
Gabriel Ortega

Art works by Gabriel Ortega

San Sebastian, 2022

Tintin Dante, 2022

Tintin as Ludovico Capponi, 2022

Tintin noble, 2022

The Creation, 2022

Lady Castafiore, 2022

Birth of Venus, 2022

Tintín | Lorenzo de´ Medici, Duque de Urbino, 2022

Tintin at the Sagrada Familia, 2022

Tintin and Homer on the moon, 2021

Tintin Hopper painting, 2021

Tintin viola in gobelin, 2021

Tintin and the night of owls, 2021

Tintin and the night of owls, 2021

Tintin and Snowy in the tropics of macaws and toucans, 2021

Tintin Hopper, 2021

Tintin and Alice in Wonderland, 2021

Gabriel Ortega Biography

Biography of Gabriel Ortega

Ortega’s art takes the best qualities of pop art and using a recurring character like Tintin is the main proof of it, but unlike many other artists, he makes a personal reinterpretation that comes from his personal experiences, and he does it in an impeccable way, with his own stamp.

Gabriel Ortega was born in Medellin, Colombia, in 1969 and from a very young age the spirit of art took hold of him, not in vain he devoted himself to the study of fine arts, first in his hometown and then in Valencia, Spain.

In his twenty years of intense professional career, Ortega has had more than eighty exhibitions in Europe, Asia, South America and North America, such as the Salon of the frescoes of Le Sibille di Raffaello at the Chiostro del Bramante, Intelligent Building at the EEPP in Medellin; Guest Artist, XXI International Comics Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain; Cow Parade in Barcelona, Water Museum.

His work, not excluding techniques such as painting, weaving and sculpture, constantly resorts to the fictional character of Georges Prosper Remi (Hergé): Tintin.

Ortega, very attached to this character, sets himself the challenge of playing him in adventures never seen before: he takes him to the tropics on a quest, to masterful rooms, and now, on a journey through time.

“I really paint Tintin because I grew up with him, in the evenings I read the superhero comics including the Adventures of Tintin and for me this character became like a hero, and he is a hero who doesn’t have those super powers, because his powers are others perseverance, moral values and constancy… Tintin is the child that everyone carries inside…”

Exhibitions of Gabriel Ortega
Publications of Gabriel Ortega
Articles of Gabriel Ortega
Multimedia of Gabriel Ortega
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